If you’re fed up of having yellow, stained teeth, or self-conscious about unsightly gaps, fillings or dents, you might wish to consider cosmetic dentistry. You may be worried about the cost of having your teeth tended to, but not all cosmetic dentistry costs the earth. Although some treatments are more expensive than others, there are plenty of things you can invest in to improve the look of your smile.
Here, we look at cosmetic dentistry options that can improve your smile and give you the confidence you deserve.
Tooth whitening
Over time, teeth become discoloured from daily activities such as eating and drinking. Investing in tooth whitening can be a relatively straightforward way of improving the look of your smile and can be performed at home with a dentist approved kit or at your dentist’s practice. At Riverside Dental Spa, we offer Zoom tooth whitening and Enlighten tooth whitening, which can be performed at our practice in one simple session or in the comfort of your own home.
Invisible braces
If you want straight teeth but don’t want to wear a traditional brace, there are plenty of invisible tooth straightening options to choose from. Some options, such as Six Month Smiles, are particularly fast acting and can be great if you’re looking to improve your smile for an upcoming event such as a wedding or graduation.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers can be used to hide a multitude of tooth problems, ranging from crooked teeth to damaged enamel. The medical-grade ceramic veneer is applied to the front of each tooth using a dental adhesive, and when looked after they can last for many years.
Dental implants
If you have unsightly gaps where teeth are missing, dental implants might be for you. They fit directly into your jawbone and hold crowns or false teeth in position, much in the same way that roots support natural teeth. When looked after properly, dental implants can last a lifetime, so are a cost-effective spend.
White fillings
If you have the old-style amalgam fillings, you might be conscious that they are on display when you smile, laugh or eat. Having them replaced with a more modern white filling is a great way of improving your smile at minimal cost.
If you want to find out more about cosmetic dentistry or have any questions regarding any of the above, please call our friendly team on: 020 7091 0677, or email: reception@riversidedentalspa.com.