How To Use Enlighten Tooth Serum To Make The Most Of Your Whitening Treatment

How To Use Enlighten Tooth Serum To Make The Most Of Your Whitening Treatment

If you are thinking about having your teeth whitened you might have decided on the Enlighten tooth whitening system due to its ability to lighten your teeth to a guaranteed B1 shade in just 2-4 weeks with no major changes needed to your diet. This appealing teeth whitening treatment is available here at Riverside Dental Spa and involves either an at-home whitening kit, or both in-surgery and at-home whitening. Either way, using the Enlighten Tooth Serum can help to maximse the results and here’s how:

How To Use Enlighten Tooth Serum

Once you’ve had your initial consultation, you will be advised to use Enlighten Tooth Serum at home, in place of your regular toothpaste, to help prepare your teeth for the in-surgery whitening treatment and ensure you get the best results.  It’s best to use this serum for two weeks prior to your appointment for in-practice whitening as it prepares the tooth enamel, minimises white spots and reduces gum sensitivity.

If you are just having the at-home whitening treatment then you will also be advised to use the Enlighten Tooth Serum to help reduce sensitivity during your treatment. Simply use in place of your usual toothpaste, twice daily, for as long as your dentist advises.

Do I Need to Use the Enlighten Tooth Serum?

You will always be advised to use the tooth serum when undergoing this whitening treatment, as it has been devised to accompany the treatment and prepare the teeth. When used twice daily, Enlighten Tooth Serum helps to repair any microscopic holes in the tooth enamel, which prevents teeth from being sensitive prior to, during and after your teeth whitening treatment. Using the serum will help to ensure your teeth are comfortable during treatment and this may also help enhance the results.

Do I Have to Buy Enlighten Serum?

The great thing about having your teeth whitened at Riverside Dental Spa is that our Enlighten tooth whitening package comes with Free Enlighten Tooth Serum, together with Free evo-seal sensitivity gel and custom made trays to ensure maximum comfort during treatment. 

We want you to get the best results, so we’ll make sure to discuss the options during your initial consultation, so you can decide whether you want to use the Gold Enlighten Kit (Home Kit), or the Platinum Enlighten Kit (Home Kit and In-Surgery Whitening).

For more information on teeth whitening or if you have a question about using Enlighten Tooth Serum please call us on 020 7091 0677, click here to message us or jot down your questions and ask at your next appointment.

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