Happy Christmas from our South London Dental Practice!

Happy Christmas from our South London Dental Practice!

Christmas is one of the jolliest seasons of the year – lots of great food and drink, time with friends and family. But as fun as it is, it can wreak havoc with our oral health. From eating more sweet treats, to late nights, not brushing teeth and enough fizzy beverages to shake a stick at, it’s easy to see why.

The good news is, you don’t need to miss out on the festive fun in order to keep your oral health in tip top condition. You just need to follow a few important tips so that you can have the best of both worlds.

To make it easier for you to have a happy, tooth-healthy festive season, we’ve put together our top Christmas oral health tips for you:

Be aware of what you’re eating

Some Christmas foods are worse than others when it comes to tooth damage. We’re looking at you, toffees! If you’re eating sticky sweets like toffee and fudge, be sure to brush your teeth soon after eating. We’d also recommend chewing with caution, since we often see an influx of patients with cracked teeth after the festive period – all down to those hard sweets we know and love! Being mindful of what we’re eating doesn’t just benefit our physical health, but also our oral health.

Brush your teeth at least two times a day

While one missed session of tooth brushing might not suddenly create loads of new holes, sugar and plaque can build up much faster during the festive period, so having a solid tooth brushing regime during this time can help negate the risks that come with the season.

Chew sugarless gum and eat cheese

Chewing sugarless gum can help create saliva, which washes away plaque. In between eating and drinking, you might like to have some to hand. While we’d always recommend the use of interdental cleaning brushes, sugar free chewing gum offers a great way of removing bits of food that are stuck between your teeth – perfect for when you’re on the go. Eating cheese is another great way to neutralise the acid in your mouth and give your teeth a break from sugary treats.

Drink plain water regularly

We’re not suggesting you swap your Christmas cocktails for plain water. But having regular drinks of water in between eating and drinking sugary drinks goes some way towards removing sugars. Furthermore, drinking enough water to stay hydrated means you’re less likely to have a headache, and more energy to party!

Buy yourself a present – an electric toothbrush

You’d be forgiven for buying yourself an electric toothbrush for Christmas. After all, it helps you preserve your oral health and is one you can use for years to come. There is a huge range of electric toothbrushes on offer, so finding one for you should be relatively easy. From ones that link to apps on your phone to others that tell you when to stop brushing, an electric toothbrush is one of the best investments to protect your oral health.

Overall, keeping your teeth healthy this festive season doesn’t need to be boring. There are plenty of things you can do to minimise the risk to your oral health. If you want to spring into the party season knowing your teeth are in the best shape possible, find a south London dental practice who can see you as soon as possible. The team here at Riverside Dental Spa are on hand to help and ready to offer Christmas oral health tips and more. To arrange an appointment with a south London dental practice with years of experience, contact our team today.

Most of all, from the whole team here at Riverside Dental Spa, have a very happy Christmas, and a fantastic new year!

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