Adult Braces Are More Popular Than Ever

Adult Braces Are More Popular Than Ever

With modern orthodontic treatments becoming more easily available, this has resulted in a higher demand for adult braces. With many adults earning their own money and still feeling insecure about their smile, increasing numbers are biting the bullet and visiting their dentist.

The British Orthodontic Society (BOC) has reported that 75% of orthodontists have had an increase in adult private patients. Despite long treatment times and high costs, it is not deterring many adults from correcting their misaligned smiles. It was also reported that most patients aged 26 to 55 are women, whilst a rise in male patients has also been seen*.

But what are the reasons for this high demand?

Confidence Booster

Our teeth and gums are a huge part of our overall appearance. Every time you laugh, smile and eat, your teeth and gums are on show. Therefore, adults who may have crooked teeth, gaps, overbites or underbites may feel insecure.

Adult braces can also help with speech and chewing difficulties, caused by misalignments.

Social Media Effect

As we scroll through social media, we are bombarded with photoshopped images of celebrities and influencers with photogenic smiles. Consequently, it can cause many social media users to compare their own smile and notice imperfections they hadn’t before.

The social media effect is tempting more adults to explore their options for teeth straightening with adult braces for a picture perfect smile.

Event Preparation

For adults with celebrations in their calendar, such as weddings and work promotions, teeth straightening may become a priority. After having your teeth straightened with adult braces, adults can stand to feel more confident. This confidence will shine through in their body language, photographs and how they interact in social situations.

Incomplete Treatments

When many adults of today were children, orthodontic treatments were not as advanced as they are today. Those who had their teeth straightened as a child may have lost their retainer or refused to use it because of its appearance. Consequently, they may have not completed their teeth straightening treatment, causing their teeth to reverse back into their original positions.

If misalignment remains an insecurity years later, many adults are returning to orthodontists for a second shot. With developments such as Invisible Braces, patients are much more likely to complete their treatments. This is because this time they can benefit from lower maintenance braces, less dietary restrictions and a less noticeable aligner.

Book Your Adult Braces Consultation

At Riverside Dental Spa, we offer a wide range of dentistry and orthodontic services. Our cosmetic dentistry includes a selection of adult braces to choose from, including Invisalign. If you have any questions or concerns regarding teeth straightening, book your consultation for adult braces today.

To get in touch, complete our enquiry form or call 020 7091 0677.


*Adult Braces: More People Paying Thousands for Straighter Teeth, BBC News, by Aileen Moynagh, 5th September 2019,

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