It’s National Smile Month!

It’s National Smile Month!

It’s the time of the year again where smiles are abound, and it’s not simply because the sun has come out – May the 16th sparks National Smile Month, the UK’s largest and longest-running oral health campaign. We’re excited to promote the cause, now in its 40th year, to help increase awareness of the importance of having a healthy smile, and change the way people look at their oral health.

National Smile Month was established by the Oral Health Foundation, in a bid to raise awareness and educate people about oral health issues in the UK. The event is now a global affair, with thousands of dental professionals involved in helping millions of people take on a healthier, happier smile! The Riverside Dental Spa team participate in National Smile Month each year, so that we can help our patients form better oral health routines and understand the importance of preventative care.

The three key principles that are highlighted each year by the charity are as follows:

  • Brush your teeth last thing at night and on at least one other occasion with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  • Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.

The knowledge of these principles are widespread, however it’s astounding how many millions of us brush for less than two minutes, are over-reliant on added sugars and haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years.

Making these simple commitments can not only keep your teeth and mouth healthy, for improved general health, it will reduce the risk of oral health problems such as tooth decay or gum disease, leading to higher dental costs and potentially more serious health problems. The campaign makes us aware that not properly looking after our teeth and mouths can surprisingly lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, dementia, complications during pregnancy and male sexual health problems.

Having a good, healthy smile has shown to bring with it many other benefits for your lifestyle, as well as having a positive impact on your overall health:

  • Two thirds of people have less respect for their boss with bad oral hygiene
  • 61% of us have been attracted to someone by their smile alone
  • Smiling releases endorphins, which make you feel happy!

We offer personalised, quality general dental check-ups and hygiene appointments to maintain the health of your smile for the long-term. Our experienced, expert and friendly team can give you guidance on how to best look after your oral health on a daily basis, to help you avoid fillings and extractions caused by oral health problems. Our routine, thorough check-ups consist of:

  • Full smile examination with a focus on any concerns or pain/ sensitivity you may have
  • Assessment of the health of your teeth, gums and mouth
  • Oral cancer check
  • Advice on maintaining a healthy smile on a daily basis
  • Simple scale and polish

If you’ve been putting off visiting the dentist, or have any questions about your oral health, National Smile Month is a brilliant opportunity to put your smile first and benefit your teeth and gums with a dental check-up. If you would like to request an appointment at your convenience, please call us on 020 7091 0677 or contact us here.

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